Welcome to the European Future Skills Institute

Expertise in Skills Intelligence and Recognition

Established in 2023 as a spin-off from the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU), the European Future Skills Institute (EFSI) is an association headquartered in Germany, dedicated to fostering the advancement of skills that are instrumental in cultivating an economically robust, sustainable, and inclusive Europe.

EFSI prioritizes the imperative of reskilling and upskilling within the workforce and has been inaugurated to bolster (EU-funded) projects, courses and initiatives throughout Europe that address prevalent skills shortages.

Our institute is committed to the pursuit of excellence in skills intelligence and the formal recognition of professional skills, addressing a spectrum of competencies that are vital across various industries, as well as those pertinent to specialized sectors.

Skilled designers and business people working

Labour market analysis

We study current and future trends in the job market, including demand for specific roles and skills, employment rates, and industry growth patterns.

Educational and Training Program Evaluation

We analyse the effectiveness of existing educational  programs in meeting current and future skill needs.

Our expertise for EU projects

Covering skills intelligence and skills recognition, EFSI brings unique value to EU-funded projects.

Skill Gap Identification

We identify discrepancies between the skills available in the workforce and those demanded by employers.

Course evaluation & certification

We evaluate and certify educational offerings with respect to their ability to address future skills needs.

Learners certification

We work with educational program providers to certify those individuals who have successfully enhanced their skill set. 

Skills are the basis for EU social and economic development

Central voices and their opinion on the centrality of skills for the future of Europe and society.

"Skills and education drive Europe’s competitiveness and innovation. But Europe is not yet fully ready."

Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission

"To ensure everyone can participate in and benefit from economic development and growth and in particular the opportunities created by the green and digital transformations, policymakers must better aligning education and skills training with the skills needed in the labour market."

Mathias Cormann OECD Secretary-General (2023)

"We must embrace lifelong learning and use AI-based insights, moving beyond the four-year degree towards recognised and accredited alternate educational pathways, and certify skills learned on the job."

Gian Luigi Cattaneo Vice-President Human Resources, IBM Europe

“There will never be education providing ready-made human capital unless industry and training work together and become shareholders of what education and training is all about."

Joachim James Calleja President, EFVET

“The traditional system is changing, as people will need to continuously upskill to move from one job to another or even to remain in jobs that will be profoundly transformed"

Montserrat Gomendio Head of the Centre for Skills, OECD