Skills intelligence and recognition in focus

In the European Union, Skills Intelligence and Skills Recognition are crucial for workforce alignment with economic and social goals. Skills Intelligence involves analyzing data on skill needs to adapt education and labor markets to industry trends and technological changes. This proactive stance addresses skill gaps, ensuring a flexible workforce. Skills Recognition, meanwhile, validates individuals’ competencies, enhancing their employability and mobility across member states. Together, these elements foster continuous learning, drive innovation, and strengthen the EU’s economic resilience and competitiveness.

We place particular emphasis on upskilling and reskilling initiatives, primarily through non-degree offerings. These programs encompass, but are not limited to:

  • Certificate programs
  • Microcredential courses
  • Lifelong learning offers
  • Massive open online courses
  • and further short-term courses

Two pillars of future skills

Cross-industry competencies and abilities

In a narrow definition/view, future skills refer to the competencies and abilities that are, independent of industry sectors, expected to be in high demand and of high relevance in the upcoming years, particularly as the global job market evolves.

For example:

Digital literacy
Adaptability and Flexibility
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
Emotional Intelligence
Sustainability and Environmental Skills

and many more ….

Industry-specific competencies and abilities

In a broader definition/view, future skills also refer to competencies and abilities that are of high importance to specific industry sectors.

For example:

Safety and hygiene in the food industry
Ethical hacking in the IT industry
Digital pedagogy in education
Digital communication skills for telemedicine

and many more ….

At the European Future Skills Institute, we believe that it is pivotal to address both cross-industry AND industry-specific skills gaps to create a workforce that can tackle sustainability challenges, thereby enhancing both economic competitiveness and environmental stewardship. This approach not only leads to innovative solutions for sustainable development but also promotes social inclusion, as it equips individuals with the skills needed to actively contribute to a greener, more equitable economy. 

Four central frameworks

The European Commission has undertaken significant efforts to develop competence frameworks for three central challenges: Sustainability, digitalisation, entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning. In our projects, we build upon these frameworks to ensure that our projects are aligned with EU priorities, ultimately ensuring that our projects are relevant and impactful. 





Skills recognition approach

The EFSI Future Skills Label and the EFSI Future Skills Certificate

The European Future Skills Institute (EFSI) employs a comprehensive recognition approach that encompasses two critical elements: the EFSI Future Skills Label (for courses) and the EFSI Future Skills Certificate (for individual learners).

Firstly, EFSI evaluates educational programs/courses to assess their effectiveness in imparting the intended skills development. Courses that meet our stringent criteria are awarded a designation/label as a European Future Skills Institute Certified Course.

Secondly, following certification, course administrators are entitled to use our label on the course completion certificates. Furthermore, should course administrators register the achievements of their participants on the EFSI web portal, these learners are then eligible to obtain a formal EFSI Certificate. This document not only signifies the successful completion of the course but also delineates the specific skills acquired, thereby providing a valuable credential for the learner’s professional development portfolio.

Certificate, rose and portrait with a black woman graduate in the hospital, proud of her achievemen

Project experiences

EFSI was founded in 2023 as a spin-out of the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities. EFSI is led and driven by ACEEU employees who have implemented a large variety of projects in the field of skills development and recognition. We build upon these project experiences (see examples below) and dedicate EFSI entirely to the skills dimensions in education.

Collaborative, Multi-modal and Agile Professional Cybersecurity Training Program for A Skilled Workforce In the European Digital Single Market and Industries

Horizon Europe: Digital Europe Programme (2022-2025)

Inclusive REskilling and upSkilling Toward competitive Agrifood and veterinary sectoR: European agenda StraTegy

Erasmus+ Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (Implementing the Blueprint) (2022-2026)

Managing Digital Transformation Academy

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships (2020-2023)

Transforming Advanced Water Skilling through the Creation of a Network of Extended-Reality Water Emulative Centres

Horizon Europe: European Excellence Initiative (2022-2025)

Personalised learning paths to foster social-cooperative entrepreneurship

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships (2021-2023)

Developing Guidelines for the Implementation of Micro-credentials in Higher Education

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships (2022-2024)